Wearing face masks has become widely adopted to help prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. However, for those hard of hearing it can create communication problems and frustrations.
Until now we may not have realised how much we rely on lip reading and facial expressions when communicating. Face masks not only hinder the clarity of speech, but it also reduces the overall volume of speech.
Here is where you will find our top tips for wearing a face mask with hearing aids, and tips on how to communicate with someone hard of hearing.
Wearing a face mask can help protect you and your community by providing an additional physical barrier to Covid-19.
Hearing aids that sit behind the ear can clash with the elastic band of a face mask so we have created 4 tips for wearing hearing aids with a face mask.
For those with hearing difficulties, sound can be muffled behind a face mask and the absence of lip reading can make it even more challenging.
Here are a few ways to help make communicating easier.