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Our customer’s hearing aid stories

Book your free hearing test with Amplifon today.

Check your hearing in over 280+ locations

Do you experience hearing loss while or after having an insect on your ear? Or would you like in general to test your hearing capabilities? Then come to one of 280+ Amplifon clinics in Australia to attend a free hearing test.

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Start your journey today.

Discover how hearing aids changed our customers lives. Contact one of our 280+ clinics across Australia to learn about hearing health and how we can help.

{"steps":[{"stepId":"E115-prequalification-have-hearing-loss","title":"Are you experiencing hearing loss?","subtitle":"Our team is waiting to assist you","image":"https://assets-apac.amplifon.comnull","layout":"cluster-selection","answers":[{"label":"Yes, I am experiencing hearing loss","nextStep":"FINALSTEP","aptType":"SCREEN01","aptDuration":"20","aptSize":"50"},{"label":"I don't know, I would like an expert's help to understand more.","nextStep":"FINALSTEP","aptType":"SCREEN01","aptDuration":"20","aptSize":"50"},{"label":"Someone close to me experiences hearing loss, I would like to book a visit.","nextStep":"FINALSTEP","aptType":"SCREEN01","aptDuration":"20","aptSize":"50"}]}]}
Our team is waiting to assist you
Are you experiencing hearing loss?

Test your hearing ability online

Woman taking a hearing test

Free. Without obligation.

Do you think your hearing might be impaired? Then check your hearing with the Amplifon hearing test. It takes only 3 minutes and is free of charge. In the next step, you can get advice from a hearing expert at one of Amplifon's clinics in Australia.

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