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Hearing loss symptoms and signs

Are you experiencing hearing difficulties?

Is it getting harder to hear what people are saying to you in crowded rooms with lots of background noise? Can you hear the phone ring? Do you often miss calls? You might be experiencing signs of hearing loss, also known as a hearing impairment. It’s okay, though, hearing loss is much more common than you might think.

Did you know that 3.5 million Australian adults are affected by hearing loss? As we get older, the incidence of hearing loss and hearing impairments continues to increase, particularly if you are over the age of 50. 

Hearing loss is very personal. You may start to feel that you are missing out on conversations or perhaps you already feel left out. The good news is that there are so many ways you can improve your hearing health, especially if you recognise the signs of hearing loss early.

How do I know I have a hearing problem?

Signs and symptoms

If you find yourself agreeing to one or more of the following statements you might be experiencing hearing loss symptoms or already have a hearing impairment:
  • It sounds like people are mumbling when they're talking to me
  • I ask people to repeat themselves, even when it’s quiet
  • I get tired from concentrating to understand what people are saying
  • I have difficulty hearing in restaurants when there is a lot of background noise
  • I find it difficult to work out what direction sound is coming from
  • I find it harder to hear female or children’s voices
  • I find it difficult to hear from a distance in a quieter environment
  • I need the TV up louder than others
  • People tell me I speak loudly
  • I feel I need to lean in when I'm talking to somebody
  • I have a family history of hearing loss
  • I have a history of exposure to noise in my workplace
  • I have a constant ringing in my ears
  • I take medication that can harm my hearing (ototoxic drugs)

If yourself agreeing to at least two of these statements, you might have hearing loss. It’s okay. You’re not alone. Help is available. It takes an average of seven years for someone with a hearing impairment or hearing loss symptoms to seek help. Begin your journey sooner to prevent hearing loss. Take an online hearing test now or book an appointment today and you will be on your way to better hearing.

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