Part of our service is that you can come to us for the maintenance and adjustment of your hearing aids in all Amplifon stores.
After purchasing your hearing aids, we do everything to support you through ensuring that your hearing aids are suitable for you and that you know how to use them.
In addition to performing maintenance and cleaning of your hearing aids, you may need follow-up adjustments to your hearing aid settings. These follow-up appointments are there so that your clinician can monitor your hearing aid usage and comfort. Your clinican will then adjust the settings of your hearing aids if necessary, to ensure they are meeting your needs.
Hearing aids can give you the ability to hear sounds that you may not have heard for a long time. Your brain will need to get used to these sounds and this can take a while.
During this inital period of using your hearing aids, there will be regular contact with your hearing care professional to refine the settings of your hearing aids to ensure that your hearing aids are always tuned to your needs.
As your hearing evolves over the course of the months, regular follow-up appointments are important so that your clinician can adjust your hearing instruments as you adapt to the new sounds.
Your Audiologist is able to integrate various listening programs into your hearing aids. These programs are adapted to your lifestyle and needs, such as programs for concerts or meetings. All you have to do is activate the program when the room or situation requires it. A customized program offers you optimum listening comfort.
There are many personalisation options depending on the hearing aids. Ask your Audiologist for more details.