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How to clean hearing aids

Take care of your hearing device and its components following our advice.

How to take care of hearing aids​

It’s important to take care of and clean your hearing aids, not only to maintain high performance levels, but to help minimise any potential problems you may experience with everyday use.



Clean your hearing aids regularly

It’s crucial to clean your hearing aids regularly to keep them working reliably. Clean them at the end of each day to allow time for air circulation before you wear them again. Avoid using wipes with chemicals or alcohol, as they can damage the devices. Use a dry cloth or specialised cleaning tools recommended by the manufacturer.

Avoid moisture and chemicals

Keep your hearing aids away from moisture. Never wear them in the shower, pool, or in the rain. If they get wet, gently remove the moisture with a tissue or dry cloth. When using hair products such as sprays, gels, or aftershave, always apply these before inserting your hearing aids to prevent damage from chemicals. Sunscreen, insect repellent, and perfumes can also contain harmful chemicals, so be mindful.

Use a case or charger unit when not in use

Always store your hearing aids in a case or charging unit when not wearing them. This will protect them from dirt, dust, and accidental damage. Storing them properly will also help preserve their functionality over time.

Wash your hands before cleaning

Before cleaning your hearing aids, wash your hands thoroughly. This will prevent dirt and oils from transferring to the devices and ensure they are properly cared for.

Handle with care

Be gentle when handling your hearing aids. Avoid applying excessive force, especially when inserting or removing them, and never attempt to repair them yourself. If there are issues, seek professional assistance.
rite hearing aid

How to clean your BTE hearing aid

Watch our step-by-step cleaning video guide for BTE (behind-the-ear) hearing aid devices


Watch video on BTE cleaning
in-the-ear hearing aids: cleaning invisible hearing aids

How to clean your ITC/CIC hearing aid

Watch our step-by-step cleaning video guide for In-The-Ear Canal hearing aids

Watch video on ITC cleaning
Invisible hearing aid

How to clean your RIC hearing aid

Our step-by-step cleaning guide for RIC and RITE hearing devices

Learn more


How often should hearing aids be cleaned?

Hearing aids should be cleaned once a day, preferably at the end of the day, before you store them for the night. Regular cleaning ensures the removal of earwax, dust, and moisture, which can affect their performance

How to clean hearing aid tubes?

Cleaning hearing aid tubes is a delicate task, and it’s always best to seek guidance from your hearing care provider or an audiologist before attempting it yourself. If you decide to clean the tubes, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the tubes from your hearing aids according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Wipe the tubes and domes with a damp cloth to remove dirt and moisture.
  3. Clear the tubes of any moisture or debris using a cleaning rod or tool recommended by the manufacturer.

If the tubes are blocked or appear too dirty, it may be time to replace them. Always consult your hearing care provider or audiologist for the best care practices specific to your device.

What to use to clean hearing aids?

When cleaning hearing aids, use only a soft, dry cloth or a specially designed hearing aid cleaning tool. Avoid using water, as moisture can damage the internal components. Never use alcohol or chemical cleaning products, as these can harm the devices. Some manufacturers offer hearing aid cleaning kits that include brushes, cloths, and wax removal tools designed specifically for your devices.

Can you use alcohol to clean hearing aids?

No, you should not use alcohol to clean your hearing aids. Alcohol can damage the delicate components and affect the performance of your devices.

Where to buy a hearing aid cleaning kit?

Hearing aid cleaning kits are readily available from various sources, including specialised e-commerce platforms, retailers, and pharmacies or medical supply stores, which often carry cleaning products for hearing aids. Amplifon offers a comprehensive range of cleaning solutions specifically developed for hearing aid users. 

When you purcahse an Amplifon hearing aid device, a complimentary cleaning kit is included in your purchase.

Need help cleaning your hearing aids? Contact your local clinic
a grandfather wearing hearing aids watching a football game with his grandson

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