The Behind-the-Ear style or BTE, is one of the most versatile hearing aids available. They help nearly all types of hearing loss, and come in a Super Power model for maximum amplification. Depending on the severity and configuration of the hearing loss, most BTE styles can come with either a comfortable, custom ear mould or with a dome that fits within the ear canal.
Quality comfort
Different styles
Our experts
Quality comfort
Different styles
Our experts
With a variety of different styles and models each with varying levels of innovative technology, our experts are perfectly placed to explain the different types of hearing aids that are available and how the different technology works so that the best solution can be found for your hearing needs.
Discover how to get the most out of your hearing aids in your every-day life.
Read our step-by-step cleaning routine for BTE hearing aids.
Look after your hearing aids through: protecting and cleaning your hearing device and ask our expert audiologists for repair and checks.