In this article, learn more about the purpose and procedure of the Weber & Rinne hearing tests. If you have any concerns about your hearing health, book an appointment with a hearing care professional at Amplifon. But first, take our quick & easy hearing test online to get an initital indication of your hearing health.
The Weber test and the Rinne test can be used to diagnose what type of hearing loss a patient is suffering from. These tests can very quickly determine whether it is a case of conductive or sensorineural hearing loss.
When someone is suffering from a hearing impairment in one ear, the Weber and Rinne tests are performed. Early identification of a problem allows you to get early treatment so it best to undergo these tests when symptomps first surface to address any possible condition as soon as possible. These tests can also help a medical professional determine whether the patient is in need of a hearing aid.
To perform the Weber test, the doctor places the base of a struck tuning fork on the bridge of the forehead, nose, or teeth.
The test is performs as follows:
To perform the Rinner test, the doctor places the base of a struck tuning fork on the mastoid bone behind the ear.
The test is performs as follows:
If you think you may be experiencing hearing loss, visit your nearest Amplifon centre. To take advantage of the free consultations offered at Amplifon centres, all you need to do is visit the centre of your choice, or make an appointment online by completing our online form. But first, before booking a consultation to undergo a more comprehensive hearing test, take our free online hearing test at the link below.
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