Taking the time to care for your ears is an important part of any daily routine. Easily damaged and impacted by bad habits, a little extra care and a few preventative steps can ensure that your ears remain clean, healthy and in the best shape possible.
Discover and explore our range of ear protection devices including noise-cancelling earplugs, ear defenders and headphones that can help protect your hearing in a wide range of environments.
If you think your hearing may be affected by noise at work, the best place to start is by talking to your employer, to assess and control the risks. As a general guide, you shouldn't have to work without ear protection, with noise levels at work that are louder than a busy street.
If you experience any loss of hearing, our expert Audiologists and Audiometrists have the knowledge and experience to answer any questions you may have about hearing protection as well as being able to give you a full comprehensive hearing test. This will leave you with the knowledge and understanding of the health of your ears and the best way to protect them.