Learn more about what might cause redness in the ears, also known as hot ears, in both children and adults. If you have questions about your hearing health, feel free to visit a hearing care professional at Amplifon. If you suspect you are experiencing hearing loss, you can test your hearing ability in just 3 minutes with our online hearing test.
Hot, red and swollen ears can happen to anyone and it can brought on by several causes. Generally, it can be a result of a sudden increase in blood flow due to an abrupt change in temperature, excessive consumption of alcohol or spicy food, hormonal fluctuations (hot flushes during menopause, for example) or as a side effection to medication.
Red ears can occur in both adults and children in various degrees of severity. One particular form of red ears is red ear syndrome, which you will learn more about below.
Certain eczemas and dermatitides can trigger skin inflammations. When experiencing sebhoritic dermatitis, the skin around the affected area can become red and itchy, and scales and small white patches that extend to the middle ear may also appear on the skin.
When suffering from this skin condition, the person may also experience similar symptoms on other areas of the skin: the scalp, groin, armpits and any area with a lot of sebaceous glands.
Do you think your hearing might be impaired? Then check your hearing with the Amplifon hearing test. It takes only 3 minutes and is free of charge. In the next step, you can get advice from a hearing expert at one of Amplifon's clinics in Australia.
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