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Sonic seasonings: songs to eat to


Let’s face it, food and music go pretty well together. The science of taste is not a new phenomenon, as restaurateurs have been using sound to enhance the dining experience since, well, probably the original Bacchanalian feasts. There are also scores of songs that celebrate food, such as in the immortal screams of The Descendants, ‘I like food, food tastes good’. It might not be profound, but it sure is true.

More tantalisingly, though, recent research into the science of taste has shown that certain types of sounds can enhance certain flavours in foods. According to psychologists, Pavarotti, brings out the intensity of dark chocolate mousse. Whereas, the warmth of Billie Holliday goes nicely with a pumpkin crème Brulee. It’s not surprising that one of Heston Blumenthal’s signature dishes, ‘Sound of the Sea’ which consists of urchins and oysters, is paired with a soundtrack of crashing ocean waves. 

Of course, not every meal can be perfectly matched with a playlist (a bittersweet symphony, that’s life). But here’s a start(er).


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