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5 Reasons to Get Your Hearing Checked in the New Year


Do you struggle to hear your family members at home?  
Have you found yourself saying ‘What?’ 'Pardon? or 'Huh?''more than normal?
Has your partner repeatedly complained that the telly is too loud?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it might be time to get your hearing checked.

5 Reasons to Get a Hearing Test in the New Year

1. Hearing Loss is linked to many other health issues, including Alzheimer’s and Dementia

People with hearing loss have 5x higher risk of developing Dementia and are 24% more likely to have Alzheimer’s disease than their peers*.

The reason? Your ears deliver sound messages to your brain and when your ears aren’t working properly, it can actually result in changes to the way your brain is structured, which could be connected to the effects of Alzheimer’s and Dementia**

In addition, when you’re working harder to hear, you’re using a high amount of mental energy. The extra energy you use to hear, will give you less energy to put towards memory and other brain functions.

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2. Hearing loss can happen at any age
According to the HCIA, the average age of Australian's with hearing loss who access hearing services via the Commonwealth Government is 79. This is concerning considering that half the Australians with hearing loss are younger than 65.*** 

Nearly half of that group have noise-induced hearing loss due to excessive noise exposure at work or during leisure activities ****

3. Hearing loss can be hard to notice

It takes people an average of 7 to 10 years to get help for their hearing loss, in part because hearing loss can be gradual*****.

With gradual hearing loss, it can be hard to notice that you have hearing loss until it becomes significant. If you’re unsure whether you may have hearing loss, it’s a good idea to ask family members or friends if they’ve noticed a change in your hearing. It can also be good to get a hearing screening to see if you have any degree of hearing loss that you wouldn’t have discovered otherwise.

4. Hearing loss can be treated

 Did you know that 95% of people with sensorineural hearing loss can be helped with hearing aids?******

Today’s hearing aids technology is more advanced than you might think. Many can connect to your smartphone, have advanced sound and environment settings, and are more compact and discrete than ever.

5. Your Family and Friends will thank you

Your family and friends will be thankful that you’ve taken steps towards hearing better. They’ll breathe a sigh of relief that they no longer have to act as your ears.

And they’ll be thrilled to enjoy the sounds of life with you once again. 

Time to get your ears tested in the new year? Book your FREE appointment now

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