The 70s wasn’t all tupperware, lava lamps and shag pile carpets. Turns out it was an amazing decade for music too – and it all kicked off with The Beatles calling it quits in 1970. Thankfully, David Bowie quickly introduced us to Ziggy Stardust and glam rock, Olivia Newton-John assured us that Grease was most definitely the word, and the Bee Gees had people strutting down streets all over the world.
The 70s left a lasting impression on music and mercifully, it’s far enough in the past that we can all have a light-hearted laugh at some of the fashion choices. Seriously, how did those lapels not lead to an international polyester shortage?
Here are 15 groovy, happenin’ tracks that we think made the 70s such a memorable era in music.
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