Joy's Hearing Story

Last update on Sep, 20, 2011

Having had hearing difficulties since birth, Joy Burdett had spent her life unable to hear the everyday noises most people take for granted. Thanks to global hearing specialist Amplifon, she has now heard birds sing for the very first time.

Joy Burdett was 11 years-old when teachers first noticed that she had problems with her hearing. At the time she was given an NHS hearing aid which she was too ashamed to wear because of its size. “I managed for a long while by lip reading but there have been times when I’ve really struggled. “I have six grandchildren now, and they’ve all learned to tap me on my shoulder to get my attention then speak to me face to face.”

But after years of struggling to get by, family members convinced her to finally do something about her hearing difficulties. “I was walking through town and noticed an Amplifon store and plucked up the courage to go in. I was a bit apprehensive at first as I was frightened to find out how bad my hearing really was,” she says. “But my Audiologist Dawn was just brilliant, she really put me at
ease and explained step by step what she was doing.” The Audiologist gave Joy a free in-depth hearing test using pioneering technology to identify the type of hearing loss she had and establish what type of hearing aid would best suit her hearing difficulty and lifestyle. Explained what was going to happen and then followed up by explaining about my particular hearing needs.” Joy was then given the chance to take part in a free trial, with no purchase upfront and no obligation to buy. “I took home a different hearing aid from Dawn each week for a month, until I found the one that was that was just right for me. “Once I’d picked my hearing aid she showed me how to adjust it to work in different surroundings, which was really useful as I struggle to hear certain high pitched noises like a whistle, rather than deeper sounds.”

It’s made such a difference to my life –it’s honestly the best money I’ve ever spent!

Joy says she was particularly pleased with the expert care she received. “The staff know everything inside and out; they think of things that I’d never thoughtof.” On the lifetime aftercare, she remarked, “If ever I have a question or need advice I just drop in when I’m passing and they will always make time for me. Nothing’s too much trouble, I really can’t fault them at all.” Since having her Amplifon hearing aid, Joy has discovered a new lease of life, experiencing sounds that she has never heard before. “The first time I heard the blackbirds sing it was just incredible,” she smiles.“I can also hear the clock ticking now and my dog coming towards me.” “It’s made life easier for my grandchildren as I can hear their voices much more clearly. I’ve even been able to go to their Christmas concerts and hear what they were saying, which was so lovely.”

Joy says that she’s been so pleased with her decision to go to Amplifon that she’s been recommending them to her work colleagues and friends. “I tell everyone I know with hearing loss to get a test with Amplifon. It’s made such a difference to my life –it’s honestly the best money I’ve ever spent!”

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