From time-to-time as seasons change, it is important to take care and protect your ears. Many seasonal triggers can in fact bring earache and pain, as well as infections and inflammations.
Hearing problems caused due to weather changes are usually not permanent. Temporary hearing loss triggered may be due to your body's reactions to allergens, to very low or high temperatures you are not used to or to air pressure. Sometimes, a changing in hearing can be due to these elements affecting the nose or the throat and, since ears, nose and throat are connected all together. That's why sometimes a simple cold or allergy make you hear worse.
Conditions such as pollen allergies tend to rise during the summer months due to an increase in pollen levels and may further cause hearing problems. Inflammation of the eustachian tube caused due to pollen can bring about an imbalance in pressure, creating the feeling of blocked ears.
During winter, temperatures can be very low becoming a threat for your hearing. Ears are extremely sensitive and their parts could cool extremely fast, giving the chance to bacteria and viruses to attack. Earmuffs can help prevent this issue, but you can anyway get a cold or a flu. In of compications you may suffer from otitis. This happens when the Eustachian tube becomes inflammed and are unable to work properly. The ear infection occurs in this case, since the earwax gets impacted and cannot be drained.