Myringoplasty refers to a surgical intervention aimed at repairing the tympanic membrane when it has not healed naturally from a perforation. The primary objective of the surgery is to bring back the normal protective and sound transmission functions of the membrane.
Myringoplasty surgery is necessary when the tympanic membrane has been perforated due to trauma and has healed on its own.
Myringoplasty surgery is performed after a careful medical evaluation that involves first listening to the patient's history. This is followed by an ENT examination, an otoscopic and endoscopic examination to assess the appearance of the membrane, the size of the perforation, and the condition of the ear more generally.
Audiometric examination is also performed to assess any hearing deficit and type of damage.
The duration of myringoplasty surgery varies depending on the surgical difficulty, the patient's condition, and consequently the type of anesthesia chosen. However, it is generally performed on a same-day basis, where the patient is often discharged the next day.
Myringoplasty surgery involves one or two days of hospitalization, with a margin for return to work of 7 to 10 days. In addition, 20 to 30 days after the procedure, an audiometric examination checks the effective functional recovery of the individual's hearing ability.
If you experience even one of the previously listed symptoms, we recommend contacting your doctor or specialist or visiting one of our Amplifon centers to take a test and check the status of your hearing ability.