Antibiotics are not always necessary to treat otitis, which may be of viral origin. In general, otitis in adults can be treated without antibiotics if fever and pain are moderate.
Bacterial otitis, on the other hand, is more common in children. For this reason, antibiotics are indicated depending on the symptoms, often in cases of intense pain or fever above 39°C. You should always see your doctor when symptoms include intense pain and fever.
In cases of severe otitis, the administration of drops into the ear canal is not very useful, as the infection is located behind the eardrum. It is more effective to put the drops into the nose rather than directly into the ears.
In the case of a perforated eardrum, ear drops are useful. Be careful, however: only certain drops can be used, as others may be toxic and contraindicated in the case of a perforated eardrum.
It's also possible to treat an ear infection naturally! Natural treatments based on homeopathy or essential oils may be sufficient, but it's essential to consult your ENT specialist regularly, especially for children with otitis.
A few simple steps can also help prevent symptoms from getting worse:
Otitis affects everyone. For babies and young children, it is advisable to consult a paediatrician, especially if :
For adults, consult a doctor if symptoms do not improve after 2-3 days. Seek urgent medical attention if you experience unbearable pain, dizziness, hearing loss or ear discharge.
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