Ear dermatitis is a skin irritation that can present itself in different ways. There is contact dermatitis as well as eczema of the ear. In some cases, the dermatitis is the result of an allergic reaction to external triggering agents. In others, eczematous dermatitis occurs spontaneously, particularly among subjects affected by disorders similar to dermatitis, such as seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis.
Symptoms of inner ear dermatitis include a localised itching sensation. Other symptoms that may accompany this discomfort include:
redness or irritation,
pain and swelling in the ear,
the presence of scabs and lesions.
The causes of inner ear dermatitis can be pathological or non-pathological in nature, affecting only the ear or involving the entire body. The most common causes are:
There are a few tell-tale symptoms that can help you easily identify dermatitis of the external ear. Dermatitis manifests itself through:
Allergic reactions from contact with certain objects, such as earrings, headphones and hearing aids, are among the most common causes of dermatitis of the outer ear. Dermatitis can also occur as a result of:
There are several types of ear dermatitis:
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