Itchy ears are a sensation of tickling and / or irritation accompanied by an urgent need to scratch the affected area. This area is often characterized by the presence of redness, when the cause of itchy ears is an inflammation, or desquamation, if its causes are due to an eczema. In any case, it is advisable to avoid scratching the itchy area by letting it heal spontaneously or by contacting your doctor for further tests.
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Constant itching in the ear is not normal. Healthy ears very rarely itch. That means: If you have itchy ears all the time, you should get to the bottom of the cause.
First of all, it must be clarified where the ear itches:
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Itchy ears can often be a symptom of an ear infection. Among the most common there is certainly the external otitis, known to sportsmen as the swimmer's ear, which manifests itself following the accumulation of water in the ear canal after swimming. Chickenpox, ringworm and strep throat pain are among other possible infections. Sometimes, at the origin of itchy ears there are insect bites, food allergies, usually accompanied by breathing difficulties, swelling and possible fainting, and ear trauma. Even the use of cosmetics and detergents, as well as contact with particular metals such as those used in jewelry, can lead to an itchy ear.
The most common remedies that can be applied against itchy ears vary according to the causes. In general, for the different types of itching it is possible to apply capsaicin-based creams, a substance capable of numbing the nerve endings, or moisturizing creams, especially those based on starch glycerol. In the event of an allergic reaction, it is advisable to contact a doctor, who, after careful analysis, will prescribe the most suitable antihistamine drug. Nature also offers valid remedies to relieve itchy ears. Some olive oil or aloe vera ear drops for itchy ears, applied through a special dropper, will restore the natural pH of the ear, giving a pleasant sensation of relaxation.
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Very important: however agonizing the itching in the ears may be, you should never enter your ears with sharp objects. Eardrum can be injured and the skin in the ear canal can be easily scratched. Since an infection by bacteria is often the reason for the itchy ears, the germs then have an even easier time penetrating the skin. Cotton swabs should also be avoided. With them you unintentionally push the ear wax deeper into your ear. This can result in unpleasant and sometimes painful plugs.
As mentioned above, too much hygiene and improper ear care can make ears itch. The home remedy in this case is proper and not excessive cleaning of the ears. Is the itching in the ear felt in the ear canal? The home remedy then can be to place a cotton swab soaked with alcohol in the auricle. A cool pack wrapped in a cloth can also be placed on the ear.
If the skin on and around the ear seems dry, rubbing it with olive or almond oil will help.
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