With good weather approaching, it's time to get outdoors, stay active and have fun. However, some summer activities can expose you to harmful noises that you might not even realise.
Regardless of the season, it is essential to protect our ears, in an attempt to protect our hearing health.
We live in a society where noise pollution is very high and often we are not even aware of what can damage our ears and what we can do to protect them. However, some of the risks to hearing are particularly associated with summer.
Here are some tips to better protect your ears.
The sun's UV rays can cause damage to our ears such as:
To protect our ears from the sun, just wear a hat and apply sunscreen to exposed areas.
Water and humidity can also seriously affect our ears.
In fact, there are many risks associated with salt water, sand and chlorine used to disinfect swimming pools. Often, the presence of bacteria and other micro-organisms can lead to otitis and infections in summer. To protect your ears, it is important to follow a few tips:
In summer, the temperature rises and, as a result, the air conditioners are switched on. Air conditioning dries out the environment and this affects the nasal mucous membranes, which no longer fulfil their function properly.
The use of air conditioning is often the most common cause of otitis media in summer, because if bacteria or viruses penetrate and cause an infection in a person, it is very common for it to spread, due to the nose-mouth-ear connection. Therefore, to protect our ears from air conditioning we should:
In summer, people tend to travel more, and one of the most popular forms of transport is undoubtedly the plane.
During take-off (and landing), due to variations in air pressure in the aircraft cabin, it is common to experience discomfort in the ears.
It is important to protect our ears in these situations, so during take-off and landing swallowing, chewing or yawning can help to balance the air pressure. Also, if after landing you still have a feeling of discomfort in your ears, you can practice the Valsalva manoeuvre.
Prolonged or repeated sounds at 85 decibels (dB) or more can cause noise-induced hearing loss. The louder the sounds, the more rapid the hearing loss.
Here are some summer activities that can be dangerous:
A loud bang could permanently affect your hearing. Therefore avoid lighting fireworks yourself and keep a safe distance from firecrackers. It is best to enjoy the shows that are offered in the city's parks and are performed by professionals.
If you are doing one of these activities, think about these 5 things to determine if the event is too noisy: