Our ears on holiday

Each season affects our ears differently. In winter with the cold and possible flu and  in spring with allergies that bring with them specific ailments. Let's look at some examples of typical summertime ear infections and how to deal with them.

What happens when sand gets in my ear?

During the hotter months, getting sand in your ears is a rather common and normal phenomenon, especially among children playing at the beach. Some of the signs that can let us know if we have foreign bodies in our ears (and surely sand in ear symptoms) include:

  • pain or discomfort;
  • reduced hearing, if the ear canal is very obstructed;
  • overall redness and irritation of the ears.

How to get sand out of ear

In order to get sand out of your ears, you can try a few simple methods. Make sure that whatever you do, you do with the utmost care as the ear canal is a decidedly delicate area of the body. You can act directly on the ear or help yourself with some solutions, such as specific drops or hydrogen peroxide. Let's see how, case by case.

Tilting the head

The first method to get sand out of your ear is the simplest and most straightforward. This method involves tilting the head sidewides and pulling on the corresponding earlobe to encourage the sand to come out of the ear canal. It is always good to repeat the operation on both sides.

Using drops or saline solution

Another method involves the use of saline solution or drops. After tilting the head, introduce two to three drops into the ear and wait a few minutes in this position to help the liquid penetrate the ear canal. Then, turn your head to the other side to drain the ear and dry the outside with a clean towel. Again, perform this operation on both ears.

Hydrogen peroxide

To remove sand from the ears, hydrogen peroxide can also be used. Make sure to check with your pharmacist for the correct dosage and follow the directions in the package. This procedure is similar to that seen of saline solution: all you have to do is insert a few drops of hydrogen peroxide inside the ear canal, wait for five minutes, and then dab the outside of the ear with a clean towel to dry it.

Ear infections and pain at the pool or in dirty water

A swimming pool and an earache? Oftentimes, the two are connected. In fact, when swimming in the pool or even at the beach, the water is not always the cleanest and can result in the proliferation of bacteria which can cause problems in the auditory system and trigger infections.

Ear irritation after a swim

Water in the ears can cause infections and other ailments if the ear is not drained properly. If the skin of the ear canal gets wet and bacteria proliferates, it can lead to ear inflammation and irritation. These types of infections often surface after getting wet with sea water or pool water.

How to take care of your ears at the pool

To avoid earaches in the pool, you can follow these practical tips:

  • wear your swimming cap correctly, making sure to cover your ears completely;
  • in addition to the swimming cap, you can use ear plugs. At Amplifon you can have them custom-made for maximum comfort and effeciency; 
  • always dry your ears once out of the water by gently dabbing them with a clean towel.
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Ear cleaning in children and babies

As mentioned above, these types of irritations are common among children and, unfortunately, they often lead to ear infections. When at the beach, it is perfectly normal for some water and sand to accumulate in the ears. However, if your ears are not cleaned thoroughly after, you may experience some irritation and discomfort. Below are a few tips to follow for a worry-free beach vacation.

Tips for all ages

Below are a handful of practical tips that may help you avoid ear infections: 

  • avoid going underwater with your head, so your ears won't get wet;
  • if you feel you have water in your ears, tilt your head to the side and tug your ear downwards so that the water can drain out of the ear canal;
  • after bathing, dab the ear dry with a towel or using a hair dryer (be careful not to use it at maximum power);
  • use effective protection against water in the ears, such as custom-made ear plugs;
  • do not try to remove water, sand and dirt with a cotton swab. It may do more damage to the ear canal and expose it to other pathogens.

How to prevent ear problems in Summer

Earplugs are our best allies in preventing infections when swimming. It is important to wear them to avoid ear discomfort and irritation. Amplifon offers a wide selection of earplugs, including but not limited to: 

  • swimming plugs, which block the penetration of water while allowing you to hear voices and noises from your surroundings;
  • silicone earplugs, which are made-to-measure and are suitable for people who practice water sports, people with a perforated tympanic membrane or people who simply wish to protect themselves from inflammation.
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