Hearing aids for swimming

If you just started noticing changes in your hearing, Amplifon is here for you.

Swimming with Hearing Loss: Challenges and Effective Solutions

Swimming can be especially challenging for individuals with hearing loss, as they frequently need to remove their hearing aids before entering the water. This can result in communication difficulties and safety concerns due to the absence of auditory support in the water. This article examines the challenges associated with hearing loss while swimming and offers practical solutions for ensuring hearing aid safety during water sports.

Can hearing aids be used for swimming?

No, conventional hearing aids are not suitable for swimming as they are only water-resistant, not waterproof. It is important to know how to protect standard hearing aids from water damage, particularly before the start of summer when many people swim more frequently.

Are water-resistant hearing aids suitable for swimming?

Even water-resistant hearing aids are not suitable for swimming, although they can withstand short-term contact with water (according to IP68 or IP67 certification). Extended use while swimming can damage the technology, as there are currently no permanently waterproof hearing aids that allow safe swimming. Hearing aids tested to IP68 are suitable for swimmers and athletes but are only intended for use in fresh water and not for prolonged wear in water.

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Safety measures for hearing aids when swimming

To protect hearing aids from water damage and ensure that they function optimally, the following measures should be observed:

Remove hearing aids before swimming

Remove your hearing aids and store them safely in their own storage box before going into the water.

Storing your hearing aids safely while swimming

Make sure that your hearing aids are stored safely while swimming, e.g. in a waterproof storage box or a lockable container.

Be aware of water contact for hearing aids

Be aware of the potential risks of water for your hearing aids and avoid wearing them while swimming to prevent possible damage.
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Swimming safely with hearing loss

Despite the challenges, individuals with hearing loss can enhance their swimming experience by taking appropriate precautions and using specialised solutions. Protecting hearing aids from water and ensuring they function optimally is crucial for maintaining communication and safety in the water.

By understanding the needs and challenges of swimmers with hearing loss, we can develop innovative solutions to make swimming accessible and safe for everyone.

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