Every hearing aid type, regardless of its design, has four basic parts: the microphone -which captures sounds- the amplifier -that converts them into an electrical signal- the sound processor -that improves the sound quality- the battery and the receiver or receiver or speakers, which will be explained in the following paragraphs.
A hearing aid receiver is the part of the device that emits sound into the ear canal. Situated either within the main body of the hearing aid or at the end of a small tube that extends into the ear canal, this tiny but powerful component is crucial for sound amplification and quality.
The positioning of the receiver significantly influences sound quality. Correct positioning ensures that sound is emitted effectively and comfortably, reducing feedback and enabling clearer listening.
It is essential that users have their hearing aids fitted by a professional to achieve optimal positioning. Like all other components of a hearing aid, the receiver can also stop working properly, here are some examples:
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