Hearing aid filters

What is a hearing aid filter?

Filters are important hearing aid components as they protect the device from external agents, such as earwax, skin grease, dust and dirt. They are especially important as they prevent debris from clogging within the device. Filters tend to accumulate debris over time, preventing the appliance from working properly, and when this happens they need to be replaced. Here's everything you need to know about hearing aid filters and the different types of filters out there. 

Do all hearing aids have filters?

Filters are used to protect the inside of our hearing aids from external agents. Most if not all hearing aids have these protective components, especiall high-tech hearing aids that have electronics inside the ear that can be affected by, for example, earwax in the ear canal.

Types of hearing aid filters

The types of hearing aid filters on the market vary significantly and can change depending on the type of device. Let's take a look at the main types available on the market.

Wax filters

Hearing aid wax filters are nets placed in front of the speaker. These types of filters can be found on all hearing aids models, particularly the more high-tech ones. Their job is to protect the receiver of the hearing aid so that it is not clogged with earwax.

Filters for RIC type devices

RIC (Receiver in Canal) hearing aids are behind-the-ear devices that use wax filters. These devices have the speaker located in the ear canal and often come in contact with earwax. As a result, the receiver must be adequately protected with a earwax filters for hearing aids.  

Filters for in-the-ear devices

In-the-ear ITE hearing aids are devices that are placed entirely inside the ear. As they often come in contact with earwax, these model require wax filters, which are placed at the outlet of the acoustic receiver. They protect the camera electronics from earwax and other contaminants. They can be replaced by the hearing aid wearer or a hearing care professional.

Microphone filters

This type of filter is used in BTE behind-the-ear hearing aids and is designed to protect microphones from moisture, dust, etc.

Sound filters (silencers)

Sound filters, also known as silencers, are designed to match the sound according to the hearing aid user's hearing loss. These filters protect the device from foreign objects that pollute it and damage it.
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What is the purpose of a hearing aid filter?

Hearing aid filters are key components to protect these devices from external agents. Wax filters, in particular, protect the hearing aid from earwax inside the canal as well as from any internal or external skin oils, dust and other debris in the environment that may clog or damage the device.

Which filter is compatible with my hearing aid?

As discussed above, not all types of hearing aids require the same types of filters. In fact, each device uses a specific filter with specific characteristics, both in terms of size and function. Amplifon, for example, offers BTE (behind-the-ear) hearing aids, RIC (receiver in canal) hearing aids, and ITE (in-the-ear) hearing aids. While BTE hearing aids require filters that protect the microphone from external agents, RIC and ITE require wax filters.

Hearing aid filter maintenance

Keeping hearing aid filters clean is essential not only for hygienic purposes, but also for optimal function. In fact, earwax and other external agents must be removed so that the filters do not become clogged, compromising the proper functioning of the hearing aid. In addition to this, filters will last longer and protect the device more effectively if the hearing aids are cleaned on a regular basis.

How do I clean my hearing aid filter?

Cleaning the filter of hearing aids is a very simple and quick operation to perform. However, it is a key procedure that prevents earwax from clogging the device. Cleaning the filter requires the use of special tools. This includes sprays, cleaning wipes and dehumidifying tablets, which are used to keep hearing aids clean at all times and safeguard their function. 

How to change a hearing aid filter?

Even if the hearing aid filter is cleaned regularly, to avoid malfunction and damage to the hearing aid, t he filter must be eventually replaced. The person wearing the device can change the hearing aid filter on their own being careful not to damage the hearing aid or using the special tools that come with the purchase of the device to remove the old filter and then insert the new one.

How often should I change hearing aid filters?

It is not possible to provide a definitive answer to this question, because it depends on how long the filter lasts for. This can vary from person to person. In fact, each ear is different due to multiple factors, such as each person's skin ph and the amount of earwax they produce. To prevent any discomfort, it is best to change the filter at least once a month. If you have any doubts about when to replace the filter, you can contact Amplifon specialists who can provide you with all the help you need to have a perfectly functioning hearing aid.

Replacement or cleaning?

When cleaning the filter, it is necessary, as we have previously noted, to prevent external agents from going inside the hearing aid. However, after a certain period of time it is necessary to replace the filter. Keep in mind that in most cases if the device fails to work, it is often due to a clogged filter. To prevent this from happening, make sure to change your filter regularly, so you can continue to enjoy the benefits of your hearing aid without any problems. 

Where to buy hearing aid filters?

If you wish to purchase hearing aids, you can do so at the Amplifon center nearest to you.

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