At Amplifon we help may people to manage their tinnitus , find out about the treatments avaliable.
If your tinnitus is particularly loud, which may cause you to experience sleeping difficulties or make you feel anxious and stressed, it is worth consulting your GP or your local Amplifon Audiologist. Tension can make your tinnitus worse; our recommendation would be to stay as relaxed as possible. There are plenty of simple explanations that once addressed, may alleviate or cure the condition.
Underlying conditions such as ear infections or wax blockages can normally be remedied by a short course of antibiotics, eardrops or an ear irrigation. If none of these methods prove to cure the condition, you may be suffering from a more severe form. Long term cases of tinnitus don't tend to have a complete cure, but one of the following treatments may be suggested:
Sound therapy can be effective in treating tinnitus because it may make the tinnitus less noticeable or mask the tinnitus or fade tinnitus.
Hearing aids are included as a critical component of a sound therapy program. Modern digital hearing aids come with a special tinnitus managing sounds along with digital amplification. They are much evolved over the older technology. Different products work in different ways, although most hearing aids can alleviate tinnitus, certain hearing aids have built-in technology specifically for tinnitus relief.
At Amplifon, we have a clearly defined way to measure and quantify chronic tinnitus. As per the severity of the problem, an appropriate combination of treatment methods is selected to deal with your tinnitus. Amplifon audiologists are specially trained in counselling procedures as well which is another critical element of sound therapy. Consult your Amplifon audiologist to find more details about what suits you to deal with your tinnitus problem.
Most people with tinnitus also have hearing loss. Hence, hearing aids can be an effective part of any sound therapy. Hearing aids alone can provide partial or total relief from tinnitus. If you’re experiencing challenges with your hearing as well as tinnitus, a combination of a hearing solution with built-in sound generators can often be prescribed. You can expect improved levels of hearing which also helps to minimise the effects of the condition in the same way that sound therapy might.
If you’re struggling with tinnitus and experience anxiety or depression relating to your condition, cognitive behavioural therapy is a form of counselling that helps you to cope and readjust your negative feelings.
Tinnitus retraining therapy is an independent therapy that can better show those affected the complexity of their tinnitus. The treatment philosophy is based on the knowledge that tinnitus is essentially also the result of a plastic process in central areas of the auditory pathway. The aim of tinnitus retraining therapy is to achieve a state in which the annoying noises can no longer be heard. The noises do not disappear completely, but are no longer perceived as annoying by those affected. The cost of tinnitus retraining therapy depends on the clinical picture and the general situation of the person concerned. The costs for the treatment of chronic tinnitus are therefore different from those for the treatment of acute tinnitus.
Tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) can also be used in conjunction with CBT, harnessing the body's natural ability to tune out sounds and make it part of your subconscious mind rather than at the forefront.
Although medication will not cure tinnitus itself, antidepressants can sometimes be prescribed if it’s making you feel depressed and anxious, often in combination with CBT or TRT. Cortisone preparations and local anesthetics such as novocaine are also used to treat tinnitus. Cortisone preparations are said to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the inner ear and counteract the formation of water retention (edema). If tinnitus only occurs briefly, it is not necessary to provide medical support.
The drugs used in tinnitus treatment are designed for:
If you are struggling with the condition, there are some steps you can take to enable you to feel in control of the situation. You may find that relaxation exercises such as yoga or listening to calming music before bedtime can provide substantial relief. Sharing your experience with others can also help reduce any feelings of isolation. Your local expert audiologist are also available to help answer any questions you may have or provide any guidance as to next steps so that you can continue discovering the world of sound.
Among the noises used to mask tinnitus, white noise is one of the best known. It is made up of all of the frequencies that our ears can hear. White sound corresponds, among other things, to the sound of an unregulated television or radio. The white sound mixes with the tinnitus and the auditory cortex can no longer distinguish the latter. There are different hearing solutions or devices that generate white noise.
This sound therapy is not a solution against tinnitus but would have soothing and relaxing benefits, allowing people who suffer from tinnitus to reduce their stress. However, before using white noise, it is important to know exactly what type of tinnitus you suffer from (chronic, acute, pulsatile) and how often it is.
A common trigger of tinnitus is stress. If this is the case, it may help to change the daily routine to bring a little more calm into everyday life, for example by taking short breaks. Relaxation techniques such as autogenic training and meditation can help with relaxation. Autogenic training develops from hypnosis as deep relaxation and is taught in groups. Later you can do the exercises at home. Targeted presentations relax the body and thus the mind. An example in the context of a stressful everyday life would be the words "I am stress-free". Autogenic training teaches you to make these words a reality.
Regular exercise can also lead to better body awareness. Sport and exercise can release happiness hormones (endorphins). In addition, the breath can be brought into harmony with the mind through sports such as yoga or tai chi. Especially when tinnitus is caused by stress, music can help change your mood. Relaxing music can be used to unwind after a busy day. In the same way, happy melodies can also contribute to a change in mood.
Relaxation exercises can also help to release stress and bring about relaxation in a targeted manner. Often, as part of the relaxation exercises and silence, the noises in the ears are temporarily louder. However, the active relaxation phases lead to inner serenity in the long term and can noticeably reduce the symptoms.
In some cases, buzz therapy can also help. With this type of treatment, the person concerned hums their personal tinnitus tune and ensures that the sound processing in the brain is readjusted. This often works within a few days. This type of music therapy is carried out together with doctors.
Some patients report positive results after homeopathic treatment. Therefore, a doctor with additional homeopathic qualifications can be the ideal contact person for tinnitus. There are numerous natural home remedies that can be used to relieve tinnitus. The various treatment options in homeopathy include:
In self-help groups, you are an equal among equals. Here you can exchange ideas with those affected in order to support each other, seek advice, discuss medical topics together or carry out relaxation exercises. Many self-help groups also organize common leisure activities such as hikes or excursions.
For more information or to find a support group near you, visit the British Tinnitus Association website.
From a medical point of view, there is no known absolutely safe method for treating tinnitus. An important key is therefore prevention . You should avoid situations where your ears are exposed to a lot of noise. By wearing hearing protection, you reduce the risk of tinnitus. Amplifon offers you the right products for this. In addition, if you are busy at work, ensure that you have a balance through rest and relaxation. Exercise and adequate fluid intake also make you strong against tinnitus.