Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Understanding sensorineural hearing loss

This is the most common form of hearing loss and occurs when the tiny hair cells in the inner ear are damaged or when the hearing pathways to the inner ear become damaged.


Sensorineural hearing loss can be caused by a wide range of conditions but most commonly by the natural ageing process which accounts for around 90% of this type of hearing loss. It affects 1 in 7 over the age of 65. Changes in your hearing as you get older are normal, if you’re concerned about your hearing, help and support from your local Amplifon clinic is never too far away. We offer a variety of different hearing aid solutions that can help make hearing the things around just a bit clearer.

Becoming aware of the onset of a decrease in sensitivity to sound stimuli is the first step to counteracting further consequences, including the risk of cognitive decline. To begin to understand the nature and effects of sensorineural hearing loss, online audiometry can help. Rinne and Weber tests can be used to quickly determine if the hearing loss is conductive or sensorineural.

Causes of sensorineural hearing loss

Some of the causes are:

  • Age – gradual deterioration in hearing across both ears in high pitched sounds
  • Traumatic exposure to loud noise – This may be from a sudden, very loud sound or repeated exposure to high level sound.. Hearing loss could be permanent or temporary
  • Head injury – This can cause trauma to the cochlea and nerves in the ear
  • Viral infections of the inner ear and auditory nerve
  • Some drug treatments
  • Family history
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