Sinusitis and hearing problems may sound like an odd pair. However, sinusitis often affects your hearing ability as it can manifests itself as a condition called ear congestion, a feeling of plugged ears. If not treated promptly, this increased middle ear pressure can lead to the perforation of the tympanic membrane, or eardrum, as well as secretions from the inner ear.
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses, the bones that communicate with the nasal cavity. When the sinuses close, mucus builds up and causes inflammation. Causes of sinusitis include a bacterial, fungal or viral attack or swollen turbinates, which in turn causes obstruction of the sinuses. This swelling is often due to contact with irritants such as smoke, chlorine or dust. Allergies can also be a cause of sinusitis, as inflammation causes mucus to build up.
Sinusitis can manifest in many ways, the most common are:
Frequently, a general discomfort is experienced. Hearing may also be affected by the infection. In fact, nasal obstruction prevents air from properly passing through the the eustachian tube, the canal that connects the ear to the nasopharynx, thus prompting an ear congestion. Tinnitus can be another symptom of sinusitis.
Those who suffer from sinusitis often experience earache, caused by blockage of the eustachian tube, which increases the feeling of pressure in the ears. To relieve the pain, you can:
Sinusitis is mainly treated with pharmaceuticals. Treatment may vary based on each specific case, so it is best to consult a professional for adequate treatment. Some of the most common remedies are:
Find out more about other hearing diseases and symptoms.