The Valsalva manoeuvre consists of a relatively deep inhalation, followed by a forced exhalation with a closed glottis that lasts 10 seconds. This technique was first applied by the Arabs in the 11th century.
The Valsalva manoeuvre is used to normalize middle ear pressure, but caution is needed: in fact, there is a risk of hearing damage due to middle ear overpressure.
The Valsalva manoeuvre helps increase the pressure inside the chest and belly. To perform it, follow these steps:
Risks should not be underestimated. The continuous execution of the Valsalva manoeuvre can lead to to onset of: postural problems,
In addition, over-pressurization in the inner ear can cause serious damage to the auditory system.
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The Frenzel manoeuvre (or Marcante-Odaglia Manoeuvre) can be performed as an alternative to the Valsalva Manoeuvre. This is a compensation technique used mainly in diving, performed by leveraging the closure of the lower and upper airways to avoid stressing the lungs. When this manoeuvre is performed, it is necessary to:
In the event that pressure in the ear cannot be relieved with these manoeuvres, a physician should be consulted.