One of the most frequent problems among the elderly is presbycusis, which is a particular form of age-related hearing loss, whose effects on the quality of life can also be very impactful. It is possible to treat presbycusis by resorting to hearing aids: fundamental aids to regain the ability to hear. Here is a series of tips for juggling the hearing aid models on the market, identifying the most suitable for treating hearing loss in the elderly.
It may not be easy for an elderly person to choose the hearing aid. The variety of models available can raise a number of questions that, without good help, are difficult to answer. “Which hearing aid will solve my hearing problem and at the same time be easy to use?”, “How to identify the most suitable product for my lifestyle”?
The most important thing to do is to contact a hearing care professional, to whom you can show the medical diagnosis report of the hearing loss and explain your listening needs. However, it is good to get an idea of the hearing aids on the market.
The hearing aid must allow the elderly person wearing it to be independent from every point of view. Here are some key features in choosing a model suitable for the treatment of presbycusis:
Based on these criteria, we show you a selection of hearing aids indicated for the treatment of hearing loss in the elderly.
Both hearing aids with a receiver completely in the ear canal (CIC) and those with a receiver in the canal (RIC) are indicated in the treatment of presbycusis because they are very discreet and easy to use.
Choosing one model over another depends on the degree of hearing loss of the wearer: CIC devices are specific for the treatment of mild or moderate hearing loss, while RICs are indicated for those suffering from moderate to severe hearing loss. In addition, RIC technology is suggested in the event that the elderly hearing impaired wears the ear prosthesis for the first time.
The choice of hearing aid for the treatment of presbycusis is an important moment in the life of any elderly person with a hearing disorder. Knowing the possibilities of treatment and knowing who to contact to put them into practice are fundamental elements for protecting habits and quality of life.
Book an appointment and come and visit us at one of our Amplifon centres, our hearing care professionals will be ready to show you our range of Amplifon hearing aids dedicated to age-related hearing loss.