Cleaning the ears of an infant is very different from cleaning those of adults. In fact, there are many methods for cleaning earwax and for infants it is best to follow the methods recommended by medical specialists.
Lean some tips and tricks for keeping your ears healthy
To remove earwax in children, it is suggested to use a wet cloth or wipes to gently wipe the entrance to the ear canal and the outside of the ear. If infection or earwax plugs are present, ear drops can be used, but first make sure to verify your treatment with a medical specialist.
Earwax leakage in children is a very common phenomenon. However, in some children, the production of earwax can be excessive and may lead to blockage of the ear canal and symptoms such as earache or tingling. When this accumulation forms, it can be removed in several ways. The most recommended method, under the guidance of a medical specialist, is the administration of ear drops that dissolve earwax.
The doctor should be contacted when the accumulation of earwax is substantial and the child is experiencing symptoms such as earache, difficulty hearing, tingling or excessive discharge of fluid.
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