Despite being indispensable tools for a better quality of life, wearing hearing aids can lead to side effects, such as allergies, infections and irritation. If used correctly, a hearing aid should not cause any problems, except in cases where people have particularly sensitive skin, or suffer from allergies. However, if hearing aids are worn incorrectly and proper precautions are not taken, side effects are more likely to occur. Below we can see how to prevent ear infection from hearing aids and their causes.
The hearing aid is a foreign body that must be in contact with the ear for as long as it is worn, and this can create problems, such as otitis and sometimes even otomycosis (fungal infections affecting the ear canal). Therefore, if you have very sensitive skin or suffer from skin allergies, you should disclose this when purchasing a hearing aid. Amplifon devices are made from materials that are thoroughly tested and certified to minimize the possibility of allergic reactions.
An ear infection can be very painful and is often accompanied by fever, nausea and vomiting. In addition to this, the accumulation of fluid and mucus caused by the infection can block the passage of sounds, triggering hearing loss. To avoid this, it is advisable not to clean your ears with cotton swabs or other objects that can create minor trauma. Should an allergic reaction appear, make sure to keep your ears dry and clean, remove any earwax and remove earplugs, earrings as well as hearing aids.
Those who have certain allergies should pay close attention when choosing their hearing aid. When doing so, make sure to check the materials with the device is made, which should always be tested and certified. In addition to this, it is advisable to always consult a specialist who can indicate the best solution based on your hearing needs.