Loboplasty is a surgical procedure that corrects altered earlobes caused by genetic defects, the natural aging process, or stress-related issues, such as stretched piercings. Lobulpastics aims to restore the normal shape of the earlobe.
Generally, the causes of ear problems can be congenital, though rare, or related to traumatic incidents leading to lobe division. In all such cases, an effective solution is loboplasty, a procedure lasting approximately 30 minutes, which enables the restoration of an almost normal earlobe.
Earlobe repair consists of a small outpatient surgery under local anesthesia.
In the case of separation into two parts, known as a cleft, the lobe is incised along the dividing line of the halves, and then the two flaps are reconnected and sutured. For dilated lobes, incisions are made at pre-established points, excess skin is removed, and the parts are rejoined to recreate a harmonious shape.
Loboplasty is an effective solution for ear lobe problems. However, it is always advisable to consult a doctor for the correct diagnosis.
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