What relationship exists between the Doppler effect and hearing?

Last update on 27/11/2023

The Doppler effect is a common physical phenomenon that we encounter in our daily lives. It affects our perception of various things, from sound and light to its significance in fields like medicine and engineering.

What is the doppler effect?

Discovered in 1842 by Christian Doppler, the Doppler effect is all about how we hear sounds or perceive light when the source is in motion and we're sitting still. It works for sound waves that need air to travel through as well as for electromagnetic waves that can travel through empty space.

The Doppler effect is super important in many fields, like medicine and navigation, but it's particularly important in astrophysics and cosmology. Thanks to the doppler effect, in 1929,  Hubble discovered the universe was ceaselessly expanding outward by realising that galaxies move away from us at a speed proportional to their distance.

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The Doppler Effect and how it affects our hearing

The Doppler effect plays a crucial role in how we hear things. It helps us determine if a sound is coming closer or moving away, which is exremely useful in dangerous or imminent situations, like when an ambulance is approaching. 

How does our hearing work?

Hearing is a very important sense because it allows us to live our lives peacefully. A process that seems so simple, but it's actually a complex process involving various organs working together to help us perceive sounds and noises.

Sound waves are essentially vibrations that enter our ear and trigger nerve impulses, which our brain interprets as sounds. Every part of our ears, from the outer pinna and ear canal to the inner cochlea, plays a role. The journey begins with the pinna and ear canal collecting sound waves and vibrations, sending them to the middle ear through the eardrum. This sets the hammer, anvil, and stirrup in motion, which eventually make contact with the cochlea. The cochlea not only moves the fluid inside but also activates hair cells surrounding it, which, in turn, stimulate nerve receptors. These signals are then sent to the brain for translation and interpretation, allowing us to hear.

Sounds that are perceived by the human ear are described by frequency (measured in Hertz)  and intensity (measured in decibels). There are, however, sounds that cannot be perceived by a human being but are felt as vibrations rather than actual sounds. People with hearing impairments experience sound differently and often struggle to hear high-pitched sounds. 

Generally, even if you think you have good hearing abilities, a regular check-up with a hearing care professional is always a good idea. Early intervention, with discreet and minimal hearing aids if needed, can help prevent serious hearing conditions down the road.

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How does the doppler effect work?

The Doppler effect is the variation in sound perceived when a source first approaches and then moves away. Let's imagine that we are standing still while the source of the noise is in motion.

As the source moves away, the sound's frequency decreases because the waves have to travel a longer distance. Conversely, when the space between you and the source gets smaller, the frequency increases

Examples of the Doppler effect in everyday life

We encounter the Doppler effect in our daily lives when we hear sounds like a passing train's whistle on a station platform or an ambulance with its sirens blaring. Regardless of whether we're stationary or in motion, we notice changes in these approaching and receding sounds. This effect manifests as an increase in sound intensity as the source approaches and a decrease as it moves away. Simultaneously, the frequency of the sound also varies, being lower when the source is distant and higher when it's approaching.

The Doppler effect results from alterations in the time it takes for sound to reach the observer. The explanation is straightforward: when a train or ambulance approaches, the sound waves cover less distance and reach us more quickly, resulting in a higher frequency in a short time. Conversely, as the noise source moves away, the waves travel a greater distance, causing the frequency to decrease, and the sound becomes lower.

Application fields of the Doppler effect

The Doppler effect can be applied across various fields, from medicine and music to radar and astronomy.

  • In medicine, the Echo-Doppler instrument utilizes sound waves, typically ultrasound, to measure the speed of blood flow.
  • Certain radar systems employ the Doppler effect to calculate the speed of objects, such as moving cars, by emitting a beam towards them. This technology is also crucial in weather forecasting, enabling precise determination of the distance, speed, and direction of clouds and weather fronts.
  • Astronomy relies on the Doppler effect to measure the speed of stars and galaxies, helping astronomers understand their motion and rotation.
  • In computing, we can use the Doppler effect with a computer microphone to detect hand movements caused by air waves. This turns the microphone into a controller, eliminating the need for additional devices.

All these fields of application work in the same way because they are based on the frequency of the waves.

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