Waking up on time can be challenging for anyone, but for individuals with hearing impairments, traditional alarm clocks might not be effective. Thankfully, amplified alarms and clocks are specifically designed to cater to these needs, providing reliable wake-up solutions for the deaf and hearing impaired.
Amplified alarms and clocks are designed with features to assist those with varying levels of hearing loss. These devices go beyond the traditional audible alarm by incorporating:
Living with tinnitus often means dealing with heightened sensitivity to certain sounds, which can make waking up with a traditional alarm stressful. A tinnitus alarm clock provides a gentler alternative, combining non-intrusive alerts like vibrations or subtle light patterns. Some models also include calming features such as white noise or ambient sounds to create a more soothing environment, helping users transition from sleep to wakefulness without discomfort. This tailored approach ensures that the morning starts off in a calm and balanced way, supporting both physical and mental well-being.
We understand that often regular alarm clocks do not cater for the hearing impaired. Amplified alarm clocks come in different forms to suit your home.
Set the alarm with confience that you will hear it, see it or feel it in the morning.