Keeping your hearing aid clean will prolong its life and keep it operating effectively. Hearing aid cleaning is simple when following these steps.
We’ve created a simple step by step guide for each type of hearing aid so you can see how to keep your devices in the best possible condition to ensure an optimum listening experience.
Cleaning your hearing aids is a simple task but is vital for extending the life of your hearing aids and maximazing their performance.
Setting up a daily cleaning routing is the easiest way to keep your hearing aids in good working order.
Each morning gently wipe the hearing aids with a soft, dry cloth to clean away any accumulated grime, oil or wax. Use a soft brush to clean the microphone cover, and a wax pick to remove any wax from the receiver tube. A wax pick can also be used to clean the earmolds of Behind-The-Ear hearing aids, or you can remove the earmolds from the tube and wash them in soapy water.
At night store your hearing aids in the same place to avoid losing or accidentally damaging them. Choose a location out of reach of pets or children, in a cool dry place. Avoid using the bathroom or other locations with high levels of moisture or heat.