Pimples, spots and zits in the ear

Causes, treatments, and prevention
Published on 27/02/2025

Knowing how to get rid of pimples in ear and avoid pustule problems

A pimple in the ear can be both painful and irritating, especially given the sensitive nature of the area. While ear pimples are common, understanding their causes, treatment options, and preventive measures can help you effectively manage and avoid ear pustules.

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Common locations of pimples in ear

Pimples in the ear can appear in different locations: 

Pimples and zits inside the ear

A zit in the ear can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful, especially if it forms in the ear canal. These pimples are usually caused by clogged pores, excess oil, bacteria, or irritation from frequent headphone use or dirty earbuds. They may feel sore, itchy, or even affect hearing if they become swollen.

Pimple behind the ear

A pimple behind the ear is often caused by sweat buildup, poor hygiene, excess oil, or friction from glasses, hair, or clothing. This area is prone to clogged pores due to infrequent washing and exposure to bacteria. Pimples at the back of the ear can hurt, especially if they swell or get irritated.

Pimple on the earlobe

A pimple on the ear is often caused by clogged pores, excess oil, or irritation from earrings, especially if they are unclean or made of allergenic materials. Sweat, hair products, or bacteria can also contribute to breakouts in this area. While usually harmless, pimples on the earlobe can be tender and sometimes swollen

Pimple on the cartilage of the ear

These pimples typically form when hair follicles or pores become clogged with oil, dirt, or bacteria. They are often triggered by irritation from headphones, hats, or sleeping on one side, which puts pressure on the ear. Pimples on the cartilage can be more difficult to treat since they are deeper and harder to reach than those on the outer ear.

Why do you get a pimple in your ear? Causes

There are several factors that contribute to the formation of ear pimples:

  • Excess oil production: the sebaceous glands in the ear can overproduce oil, leading to clogged pores.
  • Poor hygiene: overusing ear products or not cleaning earrings can introduce bacteria.
  • Sweat and moisture: these create an environment for bacteria to thrive.
  • Hair and skincare products: these can leave residue that clogs pores.
  • Use of earbuds and tight hats: these create friction and pressure on the ear.
  • Hormonal changes: especially during puberty, pregnancy, or stress, these can trigger breakouts.
  • Allergic reactions: reactions to certain materials, like nickel in earrings, can cause pimples.

Difference between whitehead and blackhead pimple

The main difference lies in how they form and their appearance. 

A whitehead forms when a pore becomes clogged but remains sealed at the surface, trapping oil and bacteria inside, which results in a small white or flesh-colored bump. In contrast, a blackhead develops when the clogged pore is open at the surface, allowing the trapped oil and debris to oxidize and turn black.

While both are types of acne, blackheads in the ear are usually less inflamed than whiteheads and are easier to get rid of. 

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Pimple in ear popping

Avoiding popping the ear zit

Resist the temptation to squeeze or pop the pimple, as this can lead to further complications. Popping the pimple can push bacteria deeper into the skin, causing infection or making the pimple more inflamed. Additionally, the ear is a sensitive area, and squeezing can damage the delicate skin or cartilage, leading to scarring.

Popping a pimple in your ear canal

It’s generally not recommended to pop a pimple in your ear canal, as this area is sensitive and difficult to reach safely. Attempting to pop a pimple in the ear canal can lead to damage, increased risk of infection, and even injury to the eardrum. If you feel the need to address the pimple, it's best to use a warm compress to gently reduce swelling and ease discomfort.

What to do if you pop a pimple and it bleeds

If you’ve popped a pimple in your ear and it’s bleeding, it’s important to stay calm and treat the area carefully.

  1. First, gently clean the area with warm water and mild soap to remove any bacteria.
  2. Put a clean, soft cloth or a pimple patch to stop the bleeding.
  3. Avoid touching the area further and don’t apply harsh acne treatments directly to the wound. You can use a mild antiseptic to reduce the risk of infection.
  4. If the bleeding persists or the area becomes swollen or painful, consider seeking medical advice for proper care.

Sore and painful spots in ear

Sore and painful spots in the ear can have several potential causes. Here are some common ones:

Ear Infection (Otitis Media or Otitis Externa):

  • Otitis Media (middle ear infection) can cause pain deep in the ear, often accompanied by fever, hearing loss, or drainage.
  • Otitis Externa (swimmer’s ear) affects the outer ear canal and can cause itching, pain, and sometimes drainage, especially if you’ve been in water.

Earwax Buildup:

  • Excess earwax can cause discomfort, a sense of fullness, or pain, especially if the earwax becomes impacted.
  • Injury or Trauma: If you've accidentally poked your ear with a cotton swab, scratched it, or experienced a blow to the ear, it can lead to pain.

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder

  • Pain in the jaw joint, which is close to the ear, can radiate into the ear and cause discomfort or soreness.
  • Sinus Infection or Cold: Blocked sinuses or a cold can cause pain and pressure around the ear.

Dental Issues: 

  • Sometimes, a tooth abscess or a dental issue can cause referred pain that feels like it's coming from the ear.


  • Allergies can cause inflammation and fluid buildup in the ear, leading to discomfort.
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FAQs about pimples in the ear

Can a pimple in the ear cause an ear infection?

Yes, a pimple in the ear can potentially lead to an ear infection if it becomes inflamed or is squeezed, allowing bacteria to enter the area. The ear canal is sensitive, and any break in the skin can increase the risk of an infection, especially if the pimple is not treated properly.

Are pimples in the ear normal?

Yes, pimples in the ear are quite normal and can occur for several reasons. Like other areas of the skin, the ear has hair follicles that can become blocked, leading to breakouts. While they may be uncomfortable or annoying, they are usually harmless and can be treated with proper hygiene and over-the-counter acne treatments.

Can a pimple in the ear cause jaw pain?

Yes, a pimple in your ear can sometimes cause jaw pain, especially if it is located near the ear canal or on the cartilage. The swelling and inflammation from the pimple can put pressure on the surrounding nerves, which may radiate pain to the jaw area.

In some cases, if the pimple is deep or infected, it may also lead to more noticeable discomfort when chewing or moving the jaw. If the pain persists or worsens, it’s advisable to see a healthcare professional for proper treatment.

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